Monday, March 13, 2006

Au retour

Okay am still the wannabe writer of yore. Do I ever learn, naaah, not that am aware of it. Guess I just have to do with spewing forth these amateurish words in a bid to sound just a wee bit writer-ish. Eeeesh!! That was so ish ish. Well I just had a nice long hiatus from writing, what do you expect. I just told a buddy of mine that I ran out of stories; probably. But honestly speaking, guess there has been too much going on in my mind that whenever I wanna settle down and comment on some occurrence, it is surpassed by the events. If I were a journalist, I would have been scooped like a million times thank God am not one.

First things first. Thanks to the few fans I have, those who think that my raves and rants are hilarious. Well if I hadn’t told you, I have a sense of humor, in that I can sense it when it is delivered, as for delivering it, well……God knows best. Poi, mama shady, may you die of laughter and may you never ever resurrect from it. To J.R Woodward, may you live in interesting times. Lastly but not least “anonymous” my ever loyal reader….i know you and there is simply no reason to hide your identity, you give me a reason to continue doing this. And to those of you who didn’t drop a line to me, may you always have time to drop me a line. This is a tribute to you guys for making me feel so bloated up and well….appreciated.

Well, here I go again, bloggers block…is there anything like that? This is where I display my other trait, being a man of few words (of my own if at all), I mean only a few make sense. Yada yada yada and I wonder how people actually read these things. Been a mild movie freak, as in I catch a movie every once in a while and quite a few have left a mark on my psyche. Lemme just finish this post by quoting an excerpt of William Parish (acted by Antony Hopkins of “Silence of the Lambs” fame) to Joe black (Brad Pitt). So if you are still wondering what am yodeling on about:

William Parrish: Multiply it by infinity, and take it to the depth of forever, and you will still have barely a glimpse of what I'm talking about.

Joe Black: Those were my words.
William Parrish: They're mine now.

Hasta luego mis amigos. God bless you all.


  1. Hi Blueswift

    Like Straw, just picked you off KBW.

    That ka-Meet Joe Black Multiply it by infinity thingy was the bomb...

    Kind make me look a life differently... At least for a while.

    Silence of the Lambs is like my fav movie of all time!!

  2. Auuuwi grammar grammar lugha

    I meant "kinda made me look at life differently"

    *Milo scampers off shamefacedly*

  3. Straw,
    Blueswift happy that you read and Blueswift ask that you keep promise to come back again

  4. Milo,
    Isnt Antony Hopkins always a joy to watch. As for the grammar....well it came by ship, maybe you had the part that was soaked with sea water. Cheers.

  5. LOL

    Mine came vua the Titanic


  6. welcome back, there is American english, english and now kenyan english and it is as legitimate as them all. Keep it up cause we are reading your good stuff.

  7. ok...this is a nice rendezvous!!!
    i mean am totally like an anthony hopkins deadbit fan!!
    maze the trilogy is just about the best series i've watched!!
    of the 3 movies, hannibal lector is my fav!!
    kwanza the way it ishas...i mean few hollywood movies end with the bad guy escaping...

    p.s we all suffer bloggerblock!!

  8. @Milo LOL@mine came via the Titanic

    @Blueswift ... I don't watch horrors ... like AT ALL ... but I had to give it to Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs - most convincing performance I have ever seen ....
